Thursday, September 26, 2013

Typical Week of Classes

Hello Everyone! 

This week has been crazy as usual! I have had so much going on. Between being on RA duty, going to class, writing three papers and work study, this week has been so crazy. The three paper I wrote were for my three favorite classes. One of those classes, War and Peace in the 20th Century with Professor Jorgensen had to be about how war can or cannot be enjoyable. I highly suggest that all of you readers take any class you can with Professor Jorgensen. He his so funny! Another other class I had a paper in was in Classical Political Theory with Dr. Imholt. This class is super interesting because we are in the middle of talking about some of the great political theorists such as Plato and Aristotle. The final paper I had to do was for Quest of God In The Modern World. This class is taught by Dr. Bourgeois. This class is extremely interesting because it forces you to open your mind and think "outside the box." The two other classes I am taking are International Relations with Professor Edwards and Sports Marketing and Promotion with Professor Wajnowski. I have a great class schedule this year. I am very excited to the rest of this year and I am also looking forward to picking my class schedule for next semester as well.    

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